Golden Globes ,Taylor Swift complaining about sweet tea? Selena responds domineeringly to “Lip Reading

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Written By Rahul Chandak

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Taylor Swift And Selena’s Gossip goes Viral:

The 81st Golden Globe Awards Ceremony has just ended. Unexpectedly, the scene of Selena and Taylor Swift being photographed whispering to each other and gossiping still aroused heated discussions.

It was rumored that the object of the discussion between the two was “Sweet Tea” Timothy Chalamet. Selena complained about the original He wanted to take a photo with him, but he refused because he was afraid that his girlfriend Kylie Jenner would be angry.

This made Selena so angry that she complained to her friend Taylor Swift. This matter caused a huge commotion on the Internet, and Selena quickly issued a post denying the matter.

That night, a lip reading expert pointed out that Silena had collaborated with Timothy on “Rainy Day in New York”. This time they met again and wanted to take a photo with each other to reminisce but was declined.

 However, some people present refuted it, pointing out that Silena did not meet Timothy at all that night.

 The conversation and photo incident are completely nonsense.

After the media widely reported the matter, Selena also personally left a message on her IG, “No! I am telling Taylor Swift that I have two friends calling.

 In fact, this is none of your business.” The response made Netizens praised her and praised her for her very candid attitude.

Selena and Timothée Chalamet have starred together in Woody Allen’s “A Rainy Day in New York” (A Rainy Day in New York), and they also had some romantic scenes together.

Now they each have their significant other. There was no harm in taking a group photo in public, but Timothy didn’t agree. He and Kylie Jenner flashed pictures from time to time during the ceremony, and they didn’t mind being photographed kissing.


Jeremy Freeman also interpreted from the movements of their mouths that Kylie had always praised Timothy for being great, and also said, “I love These three words “you”, the love is still strong.

In the past, the Golden Globe Awards have often been ridiculed for preferring to allow big stars to be nominated for less outstanding roles in order to increase the stardom of the ceremony, while ignoring the truly outstanding performances of non-big names.

Taylor Swift has been very successful in the past year, but her tours and romance have become topics of discussion. They have nothing to do with movies.

The organizers of the Golden Globe Awards asked her to find legitimate reasons to participate in the awards. The outside world is also curious about her tour documentary. Can it really defeat “Barbie” and other films to win awards?

I saw that Taylor Swift was still professionally dressing herself up and eye-catching, but the host of the ceremony, Joe Koy, made the wrong joke and said: ” What is the big difference between the Golden Globe Awards and the American Football Game.

After this segment, Taylor’s friends who also attended the Golden Globe Awards, including Selena, gathered around her from their seats to care about her, highlighting Taylor’s huge power in the entertainment industry.

It is really almost “crying water will freeze.” , maybe Qiao Keyi will seriously consider whether he should talk about his laughter next time or whether it would be better to keep it in his heart.

Some of the male fames who attended the event:

As for the male actors, although Ryan Gosling, the leading actor of “Barbie”, played it safe and appeared in a black suit, he still had some clever ideas. He slightly exposed his strong chest muscles and his handsomeness remained the same.

Timothée Chalamet, a popular youngster who has always been a gifted student on the red carpet, was nominated for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy for his role as “Wonka”. Although he is also wearing a black suit, his sequined jacket is full of personality. It makes him stand out among the male stars and is quite eye-catching. 

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